
Cinema SB400 | 120

120 watts of built-in power. The Cinema SB400 incorporates amplifiers, controls andleft and right woofers and tweeters into a single soundbar.

JBL Cinema SB400 家庭影院系統迴音壁聲吧藍牙HIFI音樂系統

JBL Cinema SB400 家庭影院系統迴音壁聲吧藍牙HIFI音樂系統. ¥5300.00. 價格可能因優惠活動發生變化. 優惠. 該商品提供多種優惠. 淘寶網現提供跨境集運、跨境直送等 ...

Jbl Sb400

4.44.4 out of 5 stars. (453) · $399.95 · 399 ; 4.54.5 out of 5 stars. (230) · $8.99 · 8 ; 4.34.3 out of 5 stars. (34). $8.96 · 8 ...

Customer Reviews

評分 4.5 (1,007) it has a loud and crisp sound I love it and it word the price $299 open box like new. Customer provided, click to load a larger version. I would recommend this ...

JBL Cinema SB400 Powered 2.1

評分 4.5 (82) It can feature floor-shaking realism and crystal clear dialogue when you add the Cinema SB400 sound bar/wireless subwoofer system.

Jbl Sb400 Soundbar

Price ; JBL Cinema SB400 Center Soundbar Only · $79.99. Buy It Now. +$18.25 delivery ; JBL Cinema SB400 Center Soundbar ONLY - Free shipping · $99.99. or Best Offer.


sb400 ; $ 480 · Yahoo奇摩拍賣 - 金盟科技專業遙控器 (8,074個評價) ; $ 535 · Yahoo奇摩拍賣 - Y6519652537 (3個評價) ; $ 1,850 · Yahoo奇摩拍賣 - Y1365153560 (139個評價).

JBL Cinema SB400 wireless soundbar and subwoofer 價錢

JBL Cinema SB400 wireless soundbar and subwoofer. (120-watt, wireless Cinema soundbar and subwoofer). 發表意見. 價格走勢. HK$5,200-5,299 ...

Soundbar Roundup JBL Cinema SB400

JBL Cinema SB400 JBL's pedigree is pure pro, revered for recording studio monitors and P.A. speakers ... Price: $550. JBL (800) 336-4525 jbl.com · View More ...


120wattsofbuilt-inpower.TheCinemaSB400incorporatesamplifiers,controlsandleftandrightwoofersandtweetersintoasinglesoundbar.,JBLCinemaSB400家庭影院系統迴音壁聲吧藍牙HIFI音樂系統.¥5300.00.價格可能因優惠活動發生變化.優惠.該商品提供多種優惠.淘寶網現提供跨境集運、跨境直送等 ...,4.44.4outof5stars.(453)·$399.95·399;4.54.5outof5stars.(230)·$8.99·8;4.34.3outof5stars.(34).$8.96·8 ...,評分4.5(1,007)ithasa...